I've learnt. Not to trust.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
I'm not sure how many of us have had experience with drunkards before and how their small little actions could trigger the laughter in you. I've always thought that getting yourself drunk was the most unglam state to get into. All the puking,shouting and blabbering that doesn't make any cow sense at all.
Till date. I've seen 3 man. erm... 1 man and 2 guys, drunk.
The first person and the most unexpected one was my dad. That was a hilarious one. I remember studying in the room with my sisters and my parents came home with my auntie. And they told us our dad was drunk. No one actually believed till we saw it with our own eyes.
For the first time I saw my dad drunk and being carried into the house. He just sat on the kitchen floor totally knock out but still blabbering... Vulgarities in hainanese! I'll never forget that.
Come on!! It's my dad!! The father that was so stern and strict to us when we were younger. The one that look like a monster when he holds the cane up. Is now seated on the kitchen floor half-dead and blabbering vulgarities.
We could do nothing except for standing there,stare at him and laughing.
The second experience was one of my classmate. Which I think most prob we would just give it a miss cause it was nothing much as compared to the first and third experience, which was yesterday.
And I've learnt a lesson. "How to babysit a drunkard".
Drunkard babysitted yesterday-swee wah.
T'was his 21st birthday! I've already wished him so not another time. For the first time in my whole damn 6 years, I saw him PISSED DRUNK. No need for more description of how a drunkard would behave. =) It's his 21st!
I resent drunkards. For some reason.
3 hours of sleep was what I had. And I'm starving now and my eyelids are getting heavier. Pizza is taking it's own sweet time. HUNGER WAITS FOR NO FOOD!
ok. Probably that didn't make a single sense. But it's FOOD and SLEEP that I can think of now.

Saturday, March 24, 2007
Submitted my application for Uni after thinking and considering for a long time.
It wasn't easy but it wasn't that tough either.
Decision making always makes me feel like a bitch. I hate myself for being indecisive and at those moments. I would hope for someone to make a decision for me. But too bad. Sometimes adults,i mean family and relatives,tell you to make your own decision. And when you finally made up your mind and tell them watcha wanna do. They would start giving comments and say it's not good. There's no future. And they would like to end the sentence with.
"I'm just telling you. Giving you comments. But ultimately,it's you to decide. It's your life, you don't live under my shawdows."
AND! They would give that face.
So what am I suppose to do?
That's how it's like in my family. They like to do that.
But hell no am I gonna do what I'm doing in poly. No more finance! NO no no!
That was my first big thing in my life at the moment. For now it's just waiting.
Work was fine this work. I knock off before 7.30pm almost everyday! What more can I ask for? More pay rise?!
Certainly hope so.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Anyways after thinking for so long and searching. Getting lost and confused in between. I've finally made up my mind.
Watched "The pursuit of Happyness" yesterday night. Well not a bad show. An inspiration show.
"Don't ever let anyone stop you from doing what you dream. Not even me."
That was what Will Smith said to his son in the show.
Next thing.
Barclays and ABN Amro intend to merge.
Barclays, ABN Amro in talks to create banking giant
Posted: 20 March 2007 0444 hrs
ONDON : Dutch bank ABN Amro and British banking group Barclays on Monday confirmed they were in "early and exploratory" talks over a possible merger to create the world's fifth-largest bank.
Shares in ABN Amro had soared 9.6 percent earlier on press reports that Barclays wanted to make an offer to buy the Dutch group.
"Barclays PLC confirms that it is in exclusive preliminary discussions with ABN Amro Holding NV concerning a potential combination of the two organisations which will create value for both sets of shareholders," Barclays, the third-biggest British bank, said in a statement.
"These discussions are the result of careful consideration to create a highly complementary partnership. The talks are at an early and exploratory stage and there can be no certainty that they will lead to a transaction."
A takeover by Barclays of ABN Amro would create a group with a market capitalisation of more than US$160 billion (120 billion euros), making it the world's fifth-biggest behind Citigroup, Bank of America, both of the United States, China's ICBC and British rival HSBC.
The combined enterprise would have 47 million clients and employ 220,000 people in 50 countries.
Analysts viewed a tie-up as being positive for ABN Amro which is under pressure from some of its shareholders who want to break it up.
"After recent activist investors pushing ABN to break-up, a merger with a highly respected bank as Barclays may not be something they could refuse," Dresdner Kleinwort analysts James Eden and Ian Gordon said in a research note before the announcement.
The Dutch bank, which has big interests in emerging economies, is facing break-up demands from hedge fund investors The Children's Investment Fund (TCI) and Toscafund, which want management to sell assets separately to make profits for shareholders.
Meanwhile, analysts said that Barclays could also face competition for ABN Amro from other banks, including BNP Paribas or Societe Generale in France, US-based Wachovia and Spain's Banco Santander Central Hispano. They are all thought to be interested in acquiring parts of the ABN Amro empire.
Barclays's stock dropped 0.8 percent to 677 pence on Monday.
"The value of ABN broken up is more than the whole. Royal Bank of Scotland or Wachovia could buy ABN's US and Treasury businesses, while Santander could buy its Brazilian and European retail banking businesses," said Magnus
Mathewson, banks analyst at stockbroker Hitchens Harrison.
A deal between Barclays and ABN Amro was first mooted two years ago but was torpedoed by the chief executive of the Dutch bank, Rijkman Groenink.
Groenink had insisted then that cultural, legislative and governance differences meant that ABN Amro would be the "junior" partner in the deal and would be "absorbed" by Barclays.
The market capitalisation of Barclays is currently 44.3 billion pounds while ABN Amro is 39.1 billion pounds, so the difference in size persists.
Barclays said last month that its net profit surged to a record 4.571 billion pounds last year, while ABN Amro announced a rise in profit of 7.6 percent to 4.78 billion euros for 2006. - AFP/de.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Saturday, March 17, 2007
My mood just took a 360 degree turn when I came back.
It was calm and peaceful at first.
Out out out. I need to get out of this place.
Been thinking about my future. My studies.
The thought of studying overseas was one of the options in my list but money has always got to get into the picture and spoil everything. And so from studying overseas,I changed my mind to working overseas. At least I'm going over for a source of income.
Question: Can I survive all alone out there?
yes I can. It's a challenge.
The other thing is to move out and stay. why? Cause I wanna be independent.
Ok bullshit. I don't wanna stay with my sisters that's the reason. Partially. Probably if I move out and see them once in awhile, I'll learn how to appreciate them for who they are. It takes a person to realise how important someone else is when you lose it. I'm doing it that way and I think it's better. Probably our relationship would improve slightly.
I've always tell my friends don't be so mean to your siblings but I don't practice what I preach. It's true. Cause I'm like that to them and I don't want it to happen to my friends.
I hate to poke my nose into my sisters' affairs and try to tell myself that what they do has got nothing to do with me. Egoistic as it may seems. Selfish I may appear to people. But I'm leaving it the way it is cause life would be so much simplier and easier.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Yup am going Japan with SP band in June.
Going back just brought back so many memories and they will playing "Highlights from Chess".
Oh boy how I miss those players when we're in year 1. Had so much fun!
Caught up with some peeps, had a really short talk but t'was good enough.
Dinner was settled at Holland V with aud and weiloong. As usual Jo was missing. So we've gotta plan another outing.
Took time off tml from work to give tuition in the morning. Feeling so guilty but it makes me even more guilty that my student is not really doing well. Anyways it's an hour only and work only comes in after 10. So it would be just in time when i'm in.
Gonna catch the a movie with Swee wah tml. =)
All set to see some hot dudes!!! =)
Monday, March 12, 2007
I dragged myself out of my bed and walk sleepily to the bathroom to take my bath while thinking what would be the attire for the day. And so I decided to go for a lazy choice. One that I could just take from the cupboard and not iron.
Put it on but didn't exactly felt great.
Just when you know that monday blues are terrible enough, work has always gotta poke it's "nose" into it.
The HK system that I was using to process my transactions were super duper slow!! How slow? Slow enough that if it was a living thing, I would strangle him to death with all my patience already ran out. For 11 freaking hours, I had to bear with the system. Everybody was frustated.
And I had a high volume today, definitely more than 100, and processing alone. I stayed till 1015pm.
Am so tired and worn out now. Gonna have a good sleep. It's yet another day tml.
Okies before going to bed. Some photos to share when I went to bintan for team building.

Sunday, March 11, 2007
Jazz,Jazz. The wonderful relaxing effect it has on such a quiet night with just me and my lappie.
Time now is 11.58pm. Been wanting to update about what was going on in my life since 9? or maybe earlier. ha... but chatting and "Ugly Betty" has took it away. =)
So I'm back here trying to update this blog of mine.
Pretty good week. Work was ok. Knocking off slightly earlier as compared to the other times. 9pm. Not much of early I can talk about but still hoping for a better change.
Mid-march is coming and I've yet to do something so important. That is to sign up for Uni. I've everything planned. No. It was changing and changing. But now that I've decided, I'm afraid of taking a step forward.
The initial plan was to sign up and do full-time in marketing and leave ABN in july.Now it's to take part-time in marketing and continue to work full-time in ABN. But the problem is that I'm not sure to go for a course that goes along with my interest or a course that would guarantee a bright career prospect.
Probably interest would be a better choice. Anyways anyhow, we'll see. Gotta get it done real soon.
Anyways went to watch a concert at Esplande with Arvin yesterday. Performance by "Tower of Power". Really good band. Good vocalist,drummer. Every one were good. The crowd was good too. Everybody was dancing. "Young at heart" was what I could see yesterday.
The kind of music from dreamgirls. Found better choice of music. Thanks to Arvin's recommendation. Wouldn't have had such a good time. Made my 60 bucks worth it all.

And yeah some pics from "Dreamgirls".

Oh man. I love Blacks! Auds love whites.

Okies tat's all folks!
Ciaoz! =D
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Anyways, dad bought dinner back for mum and I. And since I rarely see them and have dinner with them. Thought it would be good to have dinner with them in the kitchen since I'm home early.
I'm not the kind who can sit and just eat in the kitchen. I need TV!! I need to watch and eat at the same time.
I know it's bad for stomach. Indigestion. But sorry! It's a habit already. Hard to kick off. Never want to anyways.
So hard for trying. When they finished their food, I'm not even a 1/4 done. =)
In the end I still ended up in front of the tv...
I just SNAPPED my long hair! =)
yup your eyes are not playing tricks on you.
I snapped it real short. How short?
It's just really short. =D
A MAJOR BIG change.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Thinking back... I didn't know how I could survive those times when I was so stressed up and doing near 200 transactions alone. Staying to 10+ 11 almost everyday. Any healthy human would just fall sick. And I was almost on the verge of collapsing and giving up.
But well things are back in order now. Going back at 7 or 8 is more possible.
Probably God knew that I could not claim OT anymore from this month onwards. And have upgraded from giving one month notice to 3 months notice if I ever wanna quit.
No more OT claims and joining the 3 months notice for resignation club doesn't sound good at all huh.
But it would look good on my resume in future. Something that I can be proud of.
So I'm not sure if this promotion is good or not.
Well... will see how it goes. Guess it won't be that bad with God around.
Haven been updating for quite awhile. Busy with work and everything. Leave was well spent doing things that I should.
Had a good break... a long weekends last week. Took half day on friday and full day on monday. Monday was well spent with Jess. She's been here for almost a month and I haven got much time to spend with her since she came back from Perth.
Took the day off. And just like the good o'days, we went shopping like crazy. I spent like 200 over bucks buying.... a pair of jeans,a skirt, a wallet, 2 tops, 2 bags and 3 watches. if I didn't miss out anything it should be all. There was supposed to be a dinner gathering with her brother,my sisters and a couple of our friends. But thing just went the other way and in the end it was cancelled. And we went separate ways to meet our friends.
Wat else did I do.
Watched "Dreamgirls". DAMN! Hell of a good show! I wanna watch it again! well tat's if I have the time to. But I'm so gonna get the sound track. Best show ever.
Okies... gonna zionk out.