Boredom is killing me.
Penny of thoughts suffocating me with lots of stress and worries.
And all these are unnecessary. I know it. So I'll just leave it to God.
I just need wisdom to plan everything properly. Life would be a whole load easier. And that includes spending money. Credit card bills was a killer last mth. 1.3k was charged to it! So control is definitely the word now.
Was emailing Arvin and he was suggesting on getting a busking license for the band. A totally fab idea. So we can perform on x'mas or any other day. But we'll have to go thru audition first. But currently practice has stop. And I need to resolve the key issues. Just hope the solution does work out.
Time now is 3:41pm. I have been sitting at my work station surfing the net since lunchtime.
Guess I'm really more of a workaholic. Ever since the lady who came in to help me out,I've been bored to death. Before she was in, I was so busy. So busy that I can't even think of anything. But now I've so much time to think! Think about what I wanna do. What are my plans in future.
To think is better than not to think. My job doesn't even require much thinking, if I don't think it's gonna get rusty soon. Need to make those brain cells work a little.
Work has been rather slack but each time when I'm abt to knock off. Things cork up last min. Then I'll be late. If today it's gonna be like that again. I'm just leaving. I just love days that I have classes. I can leave as I want and I have to! ^-^
It's almost 4. 2hrs 30mins more to end of work! And super duper long weekend!