Just hope it's good news... quite worried... Actually I'm quite worried for lots of things... Like my coming concert at esplande... Really nervous... Sometimes I can't even get to sleep at night... Also the coming ICF performance... Haven't really master my parts well enough...
After my econs test, went to the band room to self prac... Hehe... Learn another new rhythm on the drum set...
Think I must really thank Lj, if not for him... I don't think I would be able to be in band or be a percussionist.... Even though it's tough at times, but I enjoy alot... At least I'm doing something I like!!
After self prac, Jermaine and I went shopping for awhile at orchard... To get clothes for my cousin's wedding... But well now everything it's settle.... I know what to wear on the both days already! Thanx jermanine for coming to my house to help me out! Thanx pal!!
Well, except for the shoes need to shop for it... asnd my hair... Well, 2 burdens are off my shoulders(econs test & wedding dinner out-fit), but another one has come... I went to consult my doctor just now about my acne... Have been seeing him for about 4 months already... The antibiotes are working but too slow... so he gave another type of medication called "Oratane"... When I take this medicine, I have to sign a consent form... It's about me knowing that when I'm being treated with this medicine I can't get pregnant... well it has no efffect on me la... so signing the consent form it's abit useless cause I don't involve in pre-martial sex...
The thing that worries me is the side effects that I will when I take this medicine... Example: dry lips, dry nose... And in the booklet it also mention that it may cause my joints and muscles to be tender and stiff!! Now this is it... I can't afford that to happen on me... I have to play for my concert the following week... If that is gonna happen , how am I to perform cause I need to use my hands to play... I know there is nothing to worry about cause I can go back and consult my doctor about this problem... But I'm just worried!! Think I better give him a call next week... God bless me!!
okie... I'm off to practice my strokes for awhile then go to bed... I've got church tomorrow!! Hehe... GReat!
Countdown to MD:
14 days
Message of the day:
Only you yourself is responsible for all your actions... No one is to be blame...
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