Saturday, June 26, 2004

Restless eyes, deep and dark eye circles, pale face, lips that lost it's redness and a smile-less face... That's me now... Or rather today... I'm just like a walking zombie going around... As if the whole world has offended me... Been somehow forcing a smile on my face...

That's the results of too much late nights sleep!!! I've been sleeping late these nights but yesterday was the only night that I can't get to sleep!!! Lots of things running in my mind... But I don't know what coz my mind can't function systematically... All of the parts are working at the same time.... At one go, just like the whole band playing on the first beat...

I can really sleep anywhere man today... Once my eyes are shut, my soul seems to be leaving my body... ok scary!

Well I really need some sleep... ok not some lots of sleep... NOW!!! The earliest time I've slept so far...

Z's Are Calling (time For Bed)

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