Trying to proceed with my report... Don't feel sleepy or anything... My legs are cold due to the air-con in my room... it's 23 degrees but i'm wearing a thick jacket!
feel like going for a jog! Nah... i' just crapping... it's impossible!
Many of my surrounding friends are getting attached one by one! What about me?! I'm single and infatuated with someone... Who I know that it's impossible! But who cares!! It's infatuation and I'm still happy with singlehood but not at times...
Watching tv now... came across this advertisement...
Are gentle and thoughtful guys, the most cruel guy?! I sort of agree...
Talking about advertisement... Came across this ad when i was reading my magazine in the toilet... hehe...
This is what the ad says:
stub it out!
The number of women smokers, especially those aged between 18 and 24, have almost tripled from 2.8 per cent to 8.2 per cent between 1992 and 2001. Among the lame reasons they give for not quitting:
- 60% fear gaining weight
- 87% don't want to lose their "cool" idenity
- 85% say smoking is just a "social thing".
Oh come on! Using smoking as an excuse to lose weight! That's totally lame!! What if you are having a dinner, is smoking dinner?
Does yellow teeth and bad breathe counted as "cool" image?!
well, is smoking the only way you were thought to socialise?!
Think these people seriously need to get a life!

There's the article!

Ice-cream mooncakes!


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