Sunday, August 27, 2006


First of all, not too sure if it's good or bad news. I've withdraw my resignation from ABN Amro. Don't ask why cause I don't know. And for a matter, yes I'm staying. So maybe just be happy for me?

I don't know what lies ahead of me. For now it's confusion and uncertainty.... erm... and more uncertainty? The next step is crucial cause it's gonna decide my future.

I really wonder why did I ever wish growing up faster when I was a kid. Growing up means more responsibility. And more decisions to make. But well, that's life. It's never forever 16.

I'm just slowly getting used to whatever I'm doing at ABN, while doing that I'll just wait upon the Lord.

I've gotten my first pay! And it's pay-day this week! Pay from ABN, pay from tuition. Shit! Now I'm thinking of how to spend it. When will this bad habit be gone. well it's already habit.

And ohya. To anonymous and anonymous, it's just a teeny-weeny issue. Pls don't start. Help me to keep it a happy blog. Would appreciate it.

P.S. try looking back a few entries.

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