Tuesday, November 14, 2006


I have lots to blog, lots to share but here I am now sitted in front of my laptop. Not knowing what to say or type. The last time I blog was probably 3 weeks ago.

And wow it's seems like a long week. Work has totally drain every single of my energy. What's left of the little energy is used for tuition and meeting up with friends during the weekends.

Work has seem to turn to the better side nowadays. I'm back to going home at 8+. And leaving time for tuition during the weekends instead of squeezing it all in the weekends.

It just seems that my life has become so routine.

Oh well not exactly. A whole set of meal always end with a nice and sweet,delicious dessert. Making it interesting and colourful. Though it might cause some weight-gaining situation but we all deserve to indulge in sinful treats. ",)

Looking at the cheese cake in the fridge is good enough. Tasting it might turn out otherwise.

Anyways being in Abn for almost 4 months, I've seen almost like 7-8 people leaving. It gives low morale to the people. And just when things ain't getting anywhere better, Payments & Receipts and Treasury merged. My nice lady supervisor was swapped over to Treasury and I'm gonna have the most not gentleman supervisor. But so far I've not gotta report to him so life's good till date.

That's not the point. I saw lydia and teck seng talking to Jack and another girl in the meeting room today. I reckon that both of them wanted to quit since Jack ever mention to me that he wanted to tender but was told to thought it over just last week. So I guess everybody is up to their neck already.

When I tell them,anyone, that I ever tender and withdraw after that. All of them would give me one kind of look. The "why" look.

But the funny thing is that I never knew how resolve or take away the "why" from them. I could not give an answer. It's something that I can't express out myself. I just knew that I felt un-safe when I made that decision. If you ever have such feeling, you'll understand what I mean. Though I'm tired and working late, but somehow I'm happy.

And I've learn something. People may come and go due to the work stress, the working time. But that doesn't means you'll have to follow. It's how versatile you are. How adaptive you are and how you look at every single situation.

Friends asked me why don't you get another job. It's too tiring. But where am I gonna find a job is willing to pay 1.7k diploma holder with grades that sucks but a merit in cca?

It's not gonna be long term cause no matter how. Stuides come first. Degree come first. I'll complete it before I really step into the next stage of my life.

But the first most important lesson for me to learn is to stop spending like there's no tml!

I'm going thailand next week! =.="

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