But of cause. Mother's day is not only today! Only today is the day, that's what makes it special.
And no matter how big or small the gift is, they always appreciate it.
For us, mother's day celebration was yesterday. Headed to the crystal jade restuarant at Ngee Ann City. The total bill was abt 500+ and mum paid for it!! haha...
Ok pls don't start cursing and swearing for being such an unfillial daughter.
This mother's day my mum had the biggest present ever. Her wish came true.
I rmb having a conversation with her. She said mother's day is round the corner and I asked what does she wants.
She smiled to me saying,"I only have one wish."
I said, "OK! I'll get it for you."
I always knew what her wish was. So without hesitation I agreed. Cause I knew that even if she had the money to do so, she won't ever do it. The money will eventually be spent on us. Seriously there wasn't any pain to talk about when I paid for it. In fact, it was a sense of satisfaction. Finally it's my turn to be able to make her wish come true. However that's not gonna be able to repaid for what she has done for us. Never!!!
At least, she's happy.
It was sweet of my sisters to contribute a little(lots to them) despite that they are not working.
Now this was the thing that we bought for her.

yes. A 2.3K LV lastest and limited edition bag.
But if i'm gonna get it for myself!!! Saw the blood?!
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