Monday, October 25, 2010

It can't stop twitching.

My left eye has been twitching constantly since Saturday.

I don't like moments when either of my eyes just kept twitching from time to time. To others, superstition sets in.

"Hey, left eye twitching is a good sign!".

 Got a little curious and google it.

Have I mention how much I love "Google". "Google Lee".That's what Ailing, my colleague, calls me.

Anyhow here's what I got. It's quite interesting to know the eye twitching means differently to different culture.

Left Eye Twitching - What Does It Mean

Left Eye Twitching Superstition - China: An old Chinese saying about twitching eyelids says that "the twitching of the left eyelid indicates the coming of good fortune; while the right one is a warning about the coming bad luck." So while a twitch in the left eye indicates good luck or even a major gold rush, a twitching right eye is considered a bad omen which foretells of ill luck headed your way! In women the tables are turned as a twitching right eye signifies good luck while a twitching left one is considered a bad prognostic. Similarly, there are many assumptions of eyelid twitching causes and superstitions where a twitch in the lower left eyelid means you can expect to cry soon or someone is gossiping about you.

Left Eye Twitching Superstition - India: The Indian left eye twitching superstition is the reverse of the Chinese version. So in India a twitching right eye is definitely a good sign while the left eye twitching is considered inauspicious. At times, eye twitching can also be based on the gender as well, so while left eye twitching is considered good for women it might be a bad sign for men.

Left Eye Twitching Superstition - Parts of Africa: In certain parts of Africa, twitching in your lower eyelid signals that you will soon be shedding tears or when the upper eyelid twitches, it’s a sign you will meet someone unexpectedly. The Nigerians also follow the Chinese version of the left eye twitching being considered as bad.

Left Eye Twitching Superstition - Hawaii: In Hawaii twitching eyes can signal the arrival of a stranger, or a mourning in the offing.

In addition to these faith and beliefs, there are some other versions of the left eye twitching superstition where a constant twinging of your left eye might signal a demise in the family or the twitching of the right may signal an impending birth.

However scientifically.

Eye twitches can also be caused by certain conditions such as stress, air pollution, strained eyes or fatigue. If it is an extreme condition you need to consult a doctor who might prescribe oral medications or certain eye drops. In an extreme case, myectomy or surgery for treating blinking eyes may have to be performed to cure the excessive twitching of the eyes. However, general twitching in the eyes can be cured with plenty of rest and cutting down on certain things like smoking, caffeine or alcohol. To know more about how to cure eye twitches read more on eye twitch remedies. So the next time your left eye twitches and you worry about a catastrophe befalling you, just stay calm and hope for the best.

Whether it's a good/bad sign, I very much believe that the cause of my left eye twitching is definitely scientific.

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