Monday, August 06, 2007

After reminders from Aud and Weiloong, I decided for a short entry! ",)

well it's always better then nothing. Ha...

Anyways life been rather the same. Same old roller coaster life. But wait. Not exactly the same. There are some changes to work. The lady helping me tendered! Thanks Thanks! Thought that we've finally found someone who will stay long. But now she's gonna be gone soon.

And I can't help asking myself.


Working my arse off! Having my dept head saying... "Do you know that our company is paying her very high?!"

Oh! So what I'm only a dip. holder! You have a problem with dip. holder having high pay! I'm so glad that I ain't working in yr used-to-be section. Where you even pay yr contract DEGREE holder PEANUTS! They're your staff! Not yr slaves!

But sadly you're soon gonna be my EX-boss! ",)

I'm getting sick of my job. But am worried. Quitting without a job is dangerous! There's a risk after 3 months, I'll be shaking legs at home, logging on the jobsDb, sending tons of resumes that when tat stupid someone calls you and asked if you did remember, think hard you'll still end up saying no!

And I've been overspending recently. So I guess I'll have to stick on to some time later.

That's the problem when you start doing online shopping and when you lose weight! You know you can just fit into it even without trying.

The fact that I'm happy that I've lost weight seems to backfire to all the adults in my life. My parents (esp. mum), my auntie Emily, my boss Lydia and some of my colleagues. I look way too skinny. That's what they commented.

Can you imagine my relatives used to call me "xiao pang" and few days back when i went back to my uncle's place for dinner. They all actually said I was skinny.

See it's difficult to satisfy all these adults. But so long as I'm happy.. It's cool. Heading to the gym every alternate days in I can. Still watching out my diet but sometimes I still give myself a little treat. After 3 mths of controlling,losing 10 kgs and now heading to the gym... I think I can still afford that little treat. Though I still feel guilty about eating. Yes I'm a little anorexia but still under control. It's all in the mind.

But I've to give away alot of my clothes but i'm happy to do so! Cause....

As the saying goes....

"If the old doesn't goes, there's no room for the new ones!"

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