Thursday, April 24, 2008

April... the fool's month.

phew what a close shave, I would say.

Am finally able to eat chilli after 2 weeks.

Last week was terrible.

Seriously speaking I was really afraid of scoping that I prayed hard and cried that it will recover.

As always. God answers prayers. Everything is all well.

Recovering from that painful experience was the best thing that happen in the month of April.

April was a really bad month. Not just for me. But everyone else beside me.

I screwed up my Finance Managerial MST. And I walked out happily facing the fact that am going to fail this paper. I just know it.

Finished up my MR individual proj., not gonna do well. I just know again.

Left with FM & MR grp project.

I have not been studying and doing my revision. Too much slacking. Am just so tired and exhausted everyday.

And with promotion to authoriser, am finishing work at almost 7+,8 everyday. There's too much things to do. More to come. I know that. Again.

I barely even have time for gym nowadays. What's more abt losing weight and sweating it all out.

And interest. well... it was supposed to be an interest,doing what you enjoy. Absolutely stress free. But now it's more of a burden. No not the right word. Stress. yea... that's the word. It's making me a little upset and helpless. And definitely guilty.

Seriously speaking. Stress level is hitting it's peak soon. And I'm talking about taking 3 modules for my next sem,with work and tuition.

Mentally: am zonked.

Physically: Not sure when it's going to give way.

Probaly stress was the reason to the gastric pain. Maybe it was sub-conscious initially. But when it became conscious, it was too late.

I start to doubt myself. My ability. My tolerance level.

How far can I go in this journey?

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