Sunday, July 23, 2006

Suddenly I feel that I don't have any friends! haha... Nah cause at this moment I feel like going to shop! cause it's the last day of GSS but I guess it won't exactly be the last day... But I'm just too tired to go out.. Think I'll just save the money and forget abt it... Shopping is never enough...

ok crap!

Anyways I'm totally exhausted from work. Office job is killing me so much but i'm still trying hard to hang in there.

I went to nini's house.... only one word! Finally! Have not seen her for weeks and it's just way terrible... her work! Gosh! I have like touch on algebra and related topics for like more than 2 mths or so... It's still like that. But I got to see her sister! Gosh man! Is it because I'm getting old or she's just way too energetic! She's like never tired, I got so tired running and playing with her. But she's just adorable! And I love it when she baby talks! And with the expression of "Woooo" .

Adorable is just the word!

My student asked if I was attached. I said no and she said how was it possible. Cause she said I look too happy to be single! Since when being single is SAD!! Gosh! What kind of logic is that! Being single is like the best thing that you can ever enjoy! While you can!

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