Thursday, May 05, 2005

hope that time can stop...

I just hope that time can stop at this moment for a little longer... So that I can rest... I need to sleep... Sometimes when I wake up, I feel like crying... I don't want my day to start... It's too pack... Too pack that I can't breathe... Work, tuition and band... It has been revolving around these things...

I understand that concert is coming and there are more practices and with percussion concert.. the more we should practice... my students exams are coming, i have to make time for them too... But there's only 24 hours a day... work from 8.30 - 6... after that it would be band and tuition... I'm enjoying it... I don't mind...

But it tired me out... I'm become so weary at the end of the day... That I don't even have the energy to think probably about what i'm doing... For example, read a mag... sometimes I don't even what it is talking about... the words just pass me by... the feeling is terrible... very! I feel so useless...

I rarely sleep at 10+... and now 10+ seems like 12+ already... coz my energy is all used up...

I seriously hope time can stop, coz my schedule from tml onwards doesn't allows me to rest well for a single day... I would be busy till next sunday... No breaks in between... I don't know how to survive... But I hope I can...

And I would miss time with my family... It would mean that I won't get to see them often though we leave under the same roof...

OK I'm off to sleep...

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