Monday, April 04, 2005

Preparing for my TA paper tml... But I'm not exactly doing TA... i'm studying FF... Reason is because I'm almost done with TA... It's my second time going through it... Just left with the 2 past year paper...

I'm worried for my TA paper... Yup it's the fear of failing again... Coz I failed the test before... Though I jump 2 grades up for my second test, the fear is still there...

But what's in my mind is the memories that I had... Exams period will bring me back to the time that we spent together... That was the craziest time in my life... That period of time my life was seriously filled with laughter and experience that I've never had before... Thinking back I really think it's so funny and ridiculous... It's totally crazy man!

Was looking back my entry on friends... I mention that why did God let these people enter your life and screw them up... But I never thought that they screw my life up... For example the money issue well it's over now... what's inside me is the memories that we spent together, not about that incident... In fact they brought laughter into my life... Which will never leave me... ok just some thoughts...

off to study... WORK HARD PEEPS!!!

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