Saturday, March 20, 2004

Econs test....

Having econs test tomorrow.... I skip school today just to study... Slept til 1+... So shiok.. Have missed so much sleep recently... Well intended to go see a doctor to get a MC but decided not too... Since I've already decide to skip, why pretend to be sick... It's a waste of money and time....

So me and meichan went to habourfront to eat lunch and after that went to MacDonald's to study... When I came home started to do my tutorials and 2 past year paper... Well.... I know how to answer the questons... But just a little worried.... Coz everytime what I do in the papers, it's so different to my actual test... I'm so worried.... Preparation = 75%, Confidence level = 30%.... Sigh.... Nervous

Just finished studying everything... Hope everything goes well!! God Bless me!!

Countdown to MD:

15 days

Message of the day:

Love is an act of endless forgiveness a tender look which becomes a habit...

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